Tsholofelo Community, South Africa

Tsholofelo Community, South Africa
Tsholofelo has a long history of working with people in squatter camps in rustenburg. Those who live in this area feel the extreme effects of national development problems such as very high hiv/aids infection rates, high number of orphans, poor access to education and training, unemployment, and poor child nutrition. Life on the margins within these camps lead to family units becoming fractured. Families live on a day-by-day basis and are unable to plan for the future.
Tsholofelo is committed to working with the poorest people. Tsholofelo is focused on: (1) establishing early education within squatter camps; (2) establishing foundation level education in camps where there are no education resources; (3) developing and handing over health clinics to local management; and (4) providing tvet & adult basic education and training (abet) training to people with no education or skills background.
When you make a purchase from our website we will post you out the following for each gift purchased:
A beautifully designed gift certificate which you can hang on christmas tree
A handmade christmas card made by young women from the lulu project
An envelope to give you the option of purchasing this as a gift for a family member or friend