Friends of Africa Membership

What does it mean to be a member of Friends of Africa?

Once you become a member of Friends of Africa, you will be part of a group of likeminded people who are committed to social justice and solidarity. We will help you find your niche within FOA to help you fulfil your desire for change by contributing to any of our programs such as:

Celebrate World Africa Day

Join us in celebration on 25th May to celebrate World Africa Day!

Enjoy Africa food, dance, dress, music and hear from inspirational African speakers at our World Africa Day Celebrations.

As a member of FOA you can choose to be part of the party planning committee or simply come along and enjoy the celebrations.

Come along to our Members Weekend

As a member of Friends of Africa, you will be invited to come along to our AGM and members weekend where we reflect and evaluate all of our activities throughout the year and plan for the year ahead.

This is also a chance for us to come together and have some fun. The members weekend is always a highlight of the FOA calendar!

Take part in our annual fundraising challenge

Along with sporadic fundraising throughout the year, we take part in one mighty annual fundraiser (usually involving hiking mountains).

As a member you will be invited alongside friends and family to take part in our annual fundraising challenge.

Past fundraisers include the Mourne Wall Challenge, The Seven Sevens Challenge and most recently The Four Peaks Challenge.

Global Education and Training

As a member of Friends of Africa, you will be challenged to stay informed and engaged on global issues.

This continuous learning and engagement will be supported through facilitated Global Learning sessions, work shops and the sharing of resources.

Rally for systematic change

As a member of Friends of Africa you will gain the confidence, through education on global issues to stand up against injustices.

Whether it is rallying in response to the Climate Emergency, standing up against racism or anything in between - find your voice as a member of Friends of Africa!

Be part of our Global Solidarity Project

In 2023 we returned to our partner countries in Africa under our newly launched Global Solidarity Project (GSP).

The structure of the GSP better reflects the shared and collaborative nature of our international relationships where we work alongside our partners in Africa to deliver meaningful Youth Work Projects.

We currently run projects in South Africa and Tanzania. Only as an engaged FOA member will you have the opportunity to apply for the GSP programme.

Volunteer at our Summer Scheme

For the past three years, thanks to funding received from The National Lottery Community Fund we have ran our Summer Scheme alongside East Africa Youth NI for children living in temporary accommodation in Belfast.

This week long summer scheme has everything from sports, dance, craft and day trips.

Gain a qualification in Youth Work

Youth work underpins our mission, therefore as a member of Friends of Africa, you will have the chance to gain a qualification in Youth work that will then qualify you to work with young people.


Join today!

Waged Member

£30.00 every 12 months

Unwaged / Student Member

£15.00 every 12 months

Refugee / Asylum-Seeker

£1.00 every 12 months