Friends Of Africa | Quarterly Supporter
Friends Of Africa | Quarterly Supporter
With your support we can provide ongoing support to our partners in Africa. what this means in practical terms is, early childhood education in informal settlements in South Africa, income generation projects for young women in Tanzania, shelter and training for at risk young mothers in Ghana as well as supporting thousands of young people who take part in our Global Youthwork training programme here in Ireland and our partner countries in Africa.
By becoming a regular giver, you are ensuring FOA have the resources to transform lives day after day, week after week and month after month.
Your continued support allows us to be there for the communities we work with families. To continue to provide support together we can achieve a more just and equal world.
You will receive email updates on how your regular giving is having an impact on the lives of the young people we work with.
This subscription will be renewed on a quarterly basis (every 3 months).